sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2016

Imagine a new brotherhood (Remembering Lennon) By Francisco Vaz Brasil

Imagine a new brotherhood (Remembering Lennon)
By Francisco Vaz Brasil

Imagine the governments worried
with food production, health, education,
safety for the people, and new technologies for best life,
not long discusses and political trips around world.

Imagine young people going to school,
Speaking about Twain, Dickens and Austen,
not sharing drugs at the city corners.

Imagine all the people practicing their activities,
Constructing new dreams
not using guns and knives to kill their brothers.

Imagine all citizens walking by the streets,
speaking about their life projects,
without fear of assaults and violence.

Imagine your children running free by the parks
without robbers, hijackers and ravishers
to importunate them.

Imagine clean cities where everybody care
of the dirt putting it in appropriate local, recycling it and
acting for prevent obstruction of the drains that cause floods.

Imagine people saying good morning each other
Imagine that there’s no invaders of your lands,
Imagine there’s no racial differences,
Imagine there’s no religious intolerance,
Imagine a world where there’s no wealth distinction,
Imagine all people hearing a good music by Beatles,
See how beautiful is children laughing and smiling.
Imagine all animal in quietude in the Nature,
Imagine a many-colored forest with Cedars and Tabebuias,
Imagine there’s no war or terrorism,
Imagine there’s no pain or hurts for cure…

I want pigeons flying by sky.
I want to see my neighborhood smiling happy.
I want to see all children going in peace to school.
I wish peacefulness for my friends and descendants.
I wish a world without crimes and wars.
I wish a world where a good book can be read under a Mahogany tree.

I want to see all the people
Saying I Love You!

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