- a review by Dwight Garner
Dispatches From the Conservation Revolution
By Caroline Fraser
400 pages. Metropolitan Books. $28.50.
That’s the kind of event that can make a person hold a grudge. The next morning Mr. Tharu might have invested in a big gun and a bigger box of ammunition. Instead, he began giving interviews that made him a hero to conservationists.
“Tigers are ornaments of our forest,” Mr. Tharu declared. “We humans have to give them space and learn to coexist.”
Mr. Tharu wasn’t attacked just anywhere. He lost his eye in the so-called Khata corridor, a mile-wide finger of land that conservationists have developed to help large animals move between smaller wildlife sanctuaries in
Mr. Tharu’s story takes up only a few pages of “Rewilding the World,” but it neatly underlines some of the central tensions this book explores. Proponents of rewilding — a relatively new ecological idea that stresses the restoration of animal habitats and the importance of migration corridors — argue that healthy ecosystems need large carnivores.
The people who’ve got to co-exist with these beasts tend to be less enthusiastic about this prospect. Mr. Tharu’s sanguine response to losing his eye made him a rare specimen indeed.
Ms. Fraser’s book is a continent-hopping examination of the rewilding movement in action, a movement she calls “the great project of conservation in recent years” and “a Marshall Plan for the planet.” The three central requirements of rewilding, she notes, are sometimes called the three C’s: “cores, corridors and carnivores.”
Cores are national parks and wildlife refuges that already exist. Corridors are links among these cores, Ms. Fraser writes, vital “because isolation and fragmentation of wilderness erode biodiversity.” And carnivores? “Because large carnivores regulate other predators and prey, exercising an influence on the ecosystem far out of proportion to their numbers, their protection and reintroduction is crucial.”
One better-known example of a rewilding project is the so-called
“Rewilding the World” examines Y2Y and many other projects, and it’s a thoughtful examination of rewilding and its discontents. The benefits of corridors to the natural world are fairly obvious. The problem is the human aspect.
People are hard-wired to be fearful of large carnivores. What’s more, it’s hard for the poor to see the economic advantage of rewilding. Humans don’t like conservationists telling them what they can and can’t do with the land that surrounds them. As one conservationist counterintuitively points out to Ms. Fraser: “Conservation is about managing people. It’s not about managing wildlife.”
“Rewilding the World” is an important book but it’s never an interesting one. You know what this meal will taste like by the fifth page, and no surprise courses await. Ms. Fraser visits project after project, racking up frequent-flier miles like a khaki-wearing extra from “Up in the Air.”
But Mr. Tharu aside, few interesting characters emerge. No narrative tension builds. All the faces, names and worthy-sounding endeavors begin to blur in your mind. There’s also virtually no playfulness or wit in “Rewilding the World.” It’s a data-spitting machine, full of the kind of prosaic nature writing that gives the genre a bad name.
About a project in
The memorable insights come from other writers. She paraphrases David Quammen, for example, on why linking wildlife areas is essential: “What do you get when you take a beautiful Persian carpet, he asked, and cut it into 36 pieces? Thirty-six separate carpets? Or 36 worthless, fraying scraps? Substitute ecosystems for carpet, he suggested, and you begin to see the problem.”
There are scattered nice moments in “Rewilding the World.” Ms. Fraser describes how the demilitarized zone between North and
And it’s painful to read how the relationship between humans and elephants in southern
Ms. Fraser — she previously wrote “God’s Perfect Child: Living and Dying in the
Ms. Fraser’s observation that rewilding has an “existential” value that may supersede its ecological and economic values hits home. She quotes the always eloquent E. O. Wilson: “Isn’t it morally wrong to destroy the rest of life?”
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